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Archive for 미8군쇼

Sunny 님은 먼 곳에 (2008) review

This could not go wrong: here we have the story of a wimun (“consolation visit”) troupe of entertainers traveling to Vietnam, scenes of seedy bars in Korea and Vietnam, 1970s fashion, the veteran actor Chŏng Chinyŏng – who must be credited for one of the best police car pursuit scenes in cinema history (in Green Fish) – director Yi Jun-ik of former The King and the Clown fame, and Su Ae, an actress with a uniquely, stunning natural beauty. At the start of the movie we see Su Ae play a young woman by the name of Suni who finds herself in a very uncomfortable arranged marriage situation. Read the rest of this entry »

The Korean Kittens’ miniskirt

The Kim Sisters never had any real competition, but one group that at least had a shot at emulating their success in the 1960s was that of the Korean Kittens. Master Lee always had a soft spot for lead singer Yun Pokhŭi, who was born in Seoul on 9 March 1946. Like Sue Kim of the Kim Sisters, Yun’s parents were famous entertainers. Read the rest of this entry »

USO Shows in Korea 한국의 미8군쇼

Since the 1940s the USO has organised all kinds of shows for its servicemen. In the 1940s and late 1950s, the men serving in Korea were on average very young. Whereas the stationing of troops in Japan had been much better planned and prepared (a number of American servicemen sent out spoke Japanese), the occupation of Korea’s southern half was much less so. Read the rest of this entry »